

Christ Centered Learning

Calvary Chapel Christian School has chosen Bob Jones University Press as its curriculum provider.  BJU Press offers a quality Christian curriculum for our school.

Since 1974, BJU Press has produced and distributed Christ-centered materials to teach students how to live and make godly decisions. BJU Press currently supplies thousands of schools with textbooks and other resources.There are five major distinctives of BJU Press:

Distinctive #1:

 The curriculum focuses on a conceptual approach to learning. A conceptual approach stresses understanding and application over recital.


Distinctive #2: 

The curriculum utilizes a multi-sensory approach to learning. A multi-sensory approach to learning is simply using as many of the “senses” as possible in teaching the material to be learned.


Distinctive #3: 

BJU Press curriculum emphasizes a balanced approach to learning. A balanced-approach to learning does not sacrifice the learning of some skills in order to spend more time drilling a student over and over again in just a few important skills. For example, drilling phonics with no comprehension teaching or drilling math facts with no real understanding of the concepts.


Distinctive #4: 

BJU Press curriculum emphasizes the teacher over the textbooks. Because the curriculum is not “Textbook-driven”, the teacher is encouraged to use their expertise and creativity in the classroom.


Distinctive #5:

BJU Press curriculum is truly written from a Biblical worldview in all subject matters. If critical thinking is evaluative thinking, then there must be a clear standard for the evaluative process. Critical thinking goes beyond merely knowing the truth; it is the ability to apply the truth, to analyze meaning, to synthesize conclusion, to create in a manner consistent to truth and to evaluate ideas according to the standard of truth.